So the wind blew the windows open, there is no escape. I'm cowering behind a few scraps of paper, hoping, against all hope, that I look tall and strong.
Alas! I have lost all dignity and respect. A little bit here, a little bit there maybe, but I have nothing substantial.
Everything now is up in the air, exposed to all. Like grit in the eyes, the harsh memories keep me trapped.
If there was any escape, I have lost the last chance to run away. I, stuck here now, forever, cast in my wax mould, am blinking my lashes at the torrential rain now pouring in through the windows. Yet, no one comes to my rescue, my Knight has run away.
All I'm left with is this hot wax eating away my skin while the cold water gleefully chills my bone.
Alas! I have lost all dignity and respect. A little bit here, a little bit there maybe, but I have nothing substantial.
Everything now is up in the air, exposed to all. Like grit in the eyes, the harsh memories keep me trapped.
If there was any escape, I have lost the last chance to run away. I, stuck here now, forever, cast in my wax mould, am blinking my lashes at the torrential rain now pouring in through the windows. Yet, no one comes to my rescue, my Knight has run away.
All I'm left with is this hot wax eating away my skin while the cold water gleefully chills my bone.